A lawyer has been arrested by the police in the Old Maitama area of Kubwa, a satellite town in Abuja, the Federal Capital Territory, for allegedly engaging in a public fight with a commercial sex worker over her charge of N2,000 she charged him for an overnight sex session.
According to the report, the lawyer who lodged at the hotel with the prostitute for the night, refused to pay her the complete amount the following morning after they had negotiated for N5,000.
The man reportedly told her he was only going to pay her N3,000 as she did not satisfy him to his expectation and his stance provoked the lady who dipped her hand inside his pocket and removed his wallet containing the sum of N7,000.
One of the guest at the hotel narrated what led to the ugly incident thus:
“In an attempt to retrieve the wallet from her, what started like a small quarrel became a street brawl and his shirt was torn.”
Police officers from the Kubwa Division had to be called in before the disagreement could be settled.
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