Monday, November 16, 2015

Husband of 9/11 hero returns 'Woman of the Year' award after Caitlyn Jenner received one

A man whose NYPD officer wife was killed on 9/11 has returned her posthumous 'Woman Of The Year' Award from Glamour magazine after Caitlyn received one. He blasted the magazine in his post on Facebook for not finding other deserving women to give it to. Read the full post after the cut and see Glamour's reaction after the cut...

In a statement reacting to this, Glamour said that they stand by their decision to give Caitlyn the award.
'Glamour was proud to honor Police Officer Moira Smith in 2001 and we stand by our decision to honor Caitlyn Jenner among our class of winners in 2015. Caitlyn Jenner has helped shine a light on the problems faced by transgender youth and given voice to a community that is often unheard. Glamour's Women of the Year Awards recognizes brave, bold women who in their individual ways have all made a significant difference in the world.'
Lol. He still has a penis...I think that makes him a man!


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